Friday, 30 November 2012

Moo-Moo and the camera.

Elodie liked to go into my room and unpack my back-pack. She particularly liked getting my camera out and removing it from it's cover. She would press the little ON button to make the lens push out. She would invariably hold it upside down and back to front but would always then say "Smile!" She then wanted to remove the battery and put it in the charger. Both tasks were very tricky for a two year old. The camera is small and you need finger-nail dexterity to slide the tiny cover  to remove the battery and then the battery has to be entered into the charger the right way round and the right way up. She knew when she was successful because the yellow light would come on and we would both cheer and jump for joy. So about four times a day she would say "Granddad's room.....granddads room, camera, battery" and she would grab my hand and drag me into my room where I would pretend to be unable to find the camera. I would rummage around in my bag and then say "Aaahhh found it!" only to bring out a pen, mobile phone or guide book. She knew I was teasing but she enjoyed the game anyway. I miss her.


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