Monday, 9 April 2012

Being a granddad

I never imagined for a moment what it would be like to be a granddad. It was not something that I ever aspired to be. But now I am a granddad and I have the most special and unique and wonderful little granddaughter imaginable.....I find myself in this strange quasi-limbo-land of semi-detached-crazy-outer-worldliness of isolation. Here I am in Leechpool, about as far as it's possible to be from anyone let alone Hester, Chris and Moo-Moo. The last thing I wish is to be in their face, cramping their style, or imposing myself on them. But often when I phone I feel that they have more important things to be doing than fielding calls from a sad old bastard in rural Monmouthshire.


At 9 April 2012 at 11:51 , Blogger hampstar said...

On the flip side, there is literally nothing I wouldn't give for 5 minutes with my grandad again! He has been gone 20 years and yet my memories of him remain vivid and joyous! I'm as certain as I can be that a call from you will always be welcomed by H, C and M for those very reasons! I for one am always happy when either of my parents call. It is sad you are so far away though, but nice you wish were closer! S.

Hey, you have great nieces here as well, so add us to your calls list! (I say great in the family sense - they don't always behave 'great'!) and I've enjoyed seeing pics of Hester and the wee babby!


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