Saturday, 21 January 2012


My car and I are gently growing old and gently losing our faculties bit by bit, day by day. About six months ago the windscreen wipers would only do storm-wipe or nothing. That was about the same time my hearing got so bad that I had to have my ears syringed. The central locking went at just about the same time as I strained my back (trying to do too many sit-ups at the gym). This week the heater fan packed up on the same day that I could't read the tiny script on some micro-wave instructions. We're both heading for the knackers yard. It's not worth throwing good money at a bad car. It's been good to me. Don't get me wrong. It's done over 190,000 miles and I've loved it like I love my own kin, but there comes a time every once in as while when a man has to take an old horse outside and do what has to be done in everyones best interests. A new young filly will cost a bit and strain the old coffers. Nothing lasts forever. You better believe it.


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