Wednesday, 28 December 2011

There's been a complaint

So there was this sort of complaint I received. Not by email or comment or anything. No it was face to face. Well OK it wasn't a complaint; more a question. The main thrust of which was concerning my last Blog which was ostensibly about Hester yet posted a picture of Moo-Moo. No. I have not lost my marbles and I can appreciate the difference between daughter and grand-daughter. If I had a picture of Hester as a baby on my computer then I would have happily posted it without a further thought. To be honest I didn't think too much about it when I Blogged it, and I obviously didn't think any old picture of any old (sorry) young baby would do. So I didn't have access to what I really needed. But ....and I know this is a huge BUT!!! The baby pics of Moo-Moo are totally interchangeable with those of baby-Hester. To me they are both magical and made of star-dust!!!!!!So go ahead, get a psychiatrist to establish why I posted a pic of Moo-Moo. So go ahead!! Look at me quizzically. I'm not mad. I know the difference between fact and fantasy.


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