Saturday, 24 December 2011


I never really understood the reap-what-you-sow expression. I have a vague notion. All my Blog-Fans know my stance on the supernatural and this also must encompass superstition in all it's forms. I said to my sister Pat that we have been so lucky not to go to many funerals. Most family and friends are still with us. She hushed me immediately and admonished me for goading the gods and "tempting fate!!". Last year, when I was down to my last couple of hundred quid and really struggling I still continued to give £2 to the homeless Rumanian Big Issue seller. Thinking that if my life was shit how much worse was it for that poor bugger. I had a property that I could sell, I could sell my Maltby's etc. Cash-flow wasn't good but I did have alternatives. In spite of my atheism and my solid grounding in all things real and provable there was this little voice in my mind telling me to still give because I'm gonna reap what I sow.
At my last exhibition a woman came along when I was not there and she loved my sculptures. She was friends with David and Fran and wanted to know if I had more to choose from in Leechpool. She had an unusual name. Houri Gharmian. So I googled it just to see. Turns out that she is an Iranian refugee and Socialist Alliance candidate for Easton and single mother (to boot!!)
And she is a poet and photographer. I emailed her and said that if she liked one of these sculptures, which I have ceased to make now anyway, she could have one. Go to the workshop in Clifton and choose your favourite, I will tell David and Fran.
She emailed me back to say that she would be more comfortable if we could do a swap. My sculpture for a photo that she would take for me. As it was autumn she suggested an autumn theme. So here I am reaping. I end up with this gorgeous photo of Russian Vine falling across an old building.
I don't want to sound holier than thou but I can't help thinking that it's better to give £2 to some poor bastard selling Big Issue in the rain than to nick bags of coal from a Tesco forecourt. You know how I think and feel. There is no God to watch either of us. But how do you feel at night when you blow out the candle? As you gently replay your day whilst waiting for sleep to overtake you. Do you feel cunning and clever? Satisfied that the world is a better place with you in it. Or satisfied that maybe the world would be a better place with more people like you in it???.
Merry Christmas to all my Blog-Fans and a BIG THANK YOU to those few of you ask for more when I don't Blog for a while. You know who you are.


At 9 April 2012 at 07:18 , Blogger hampstar said...

I share your staunch atheistic views. I'm sure if everyone stopped for a moment to consider why they think that Father Christmas is a made up thing for kids? I think it was Dawkins that said God is Santa Claus for grown ups! Spot on!

Anyway, it's not the £2! It's not your belief's, or lack of! It's just the fact that you're a nice bloke, a good man, and you care about others. People tend to gravitate to like minded people as we value inclusion and comfort and that's what has happened here! Get out there and be yourself! One of my best friends always says that the universe has a way of taking care of us at just the right point, either to boost morale or provide financial support in whatever guise. But the universe knows when we need it, we don't! She too is God atheist, even though her dad was a priest for 30 years, but she does believe in the universe!

Keep up the great blogs!


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