Saturday, 15 June 2013

Pool, palms and plants

This is Hester's pool and the plants nearby. It's nice to visit foreign lands and these plants are exotic and wonderful in their own way. There's a fabulous place called Hort Park. I'll post some pictures soon of some amazing flowers there. But I was hankering after my own plants and flowers here in Leechpool. It was so nice to get back to my delphiniums, lupins and larkspurs; my cranesbills and English roses all the gentle subtlety of a more temperate climate The jagged, spikey aggressiveness of of these sharp edged palms grated rather on my European sensitivities. Give me rose thorns and hawthorns any day. It was great fun to visit but I am now quietly content to be back where I belong. It's going to take more than three weeks to knock my garden back into shape having abandoned it for three weeks. Everything is overgrown and the weeds have really taken over during my absence. Also nice to be surrounded by birds again. Singapore only offered the occasional pairs of minah birds, the odd pigeon, a crow and a solitary nectar feeder in the park. There's nothing much for birds to eat in Singapore. No agriculture and all the hard waxy leaved plants. It was quite amusing to see a pair of skinny sparrows eking out a living at the American Club poolside by scavenging crumbs from the members outside dining tables. If the club closed down they would probably starve in less than a week.


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